Exploring Social Inequalities through National Datasets


Wednesday 2 October 2024


10:00 - 11:30 BST


Online (Teams)

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The DRTN welcomes you to the third webinar in our 2024 series: Exploring Social Inequalities through National Datasets


The DRTN welcomes you to the third webinar in our 2024 series, co-organised by the NCRM, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Urban Big Data Centre, European Social Survey and the UK Data Service. This webinar will focus on exploring gender pay gaps and ethnic inequalities through data sources.

The speakers will be:

  • Jools Kasmire who will give an introduction to the UKDS, the data sets available and how to access these.
  • Nissa Finney who will introduce new evidence on ethnic inequalities in Britain focusing on employment, health and political trust; and experiences of racism across ethnic minority groups. The findings come from the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS), the largest and most comprehensive survey of ethnic minorities in Britain.
  • Bożena Wielgoszewska who will highlight the main findings from the ESRC-funded project; The Gender Wage Gap, exploring the wage gap over the life course and across generations. This project used information extracted from the British Birth Cohort Studies, which track nationally representative samples of people born in 1946, 1958, 1970, 1990 and 2000. For more details about the project see: The Gender Wage Gap: evidence from the cohort studies | IOE - Faculty of Education and Society - UCL – University College London [ucl.ac.uk]

This is a free event.

The speakers will provide recordings of their talks which will be available after the webinar through the NCRM website.


Training Resources

We archive useful and informative resources, such as slides, videos and other materials, from past events here for you to explore.

UBDC How to Guides - YOLOv4 Object Detection Model

In this guide, Data Analyst Maralbek Zeinullin shows you how to install and run customised YOLOv4 Object Detection Model using GPU.

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UBDC How to Guides - Multimodal Transport Routing for the UK with R

In this two-part guide, Rafael Verduzco from the Urban Big Data Centre shows you how to analyse transport routing in the UK using travel-time matrices.

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UBDC How to Guides - Building a Time Series Chart

In this step-by-step guide, Andy Clarke from the Urban Big Data Centre shows you how to build a time series chart using React, D3 and Material UI.

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Short Term Lets - Big Data and Policy

A new licensing scheme for short-term lets came into effect in Scotland on 1 October 2022. Through the scheme, the Scottish Government aims to 'ensure consistent safety standards while reinforcing the positive reputation of Scottish tourism and hospitality'.

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Public transport accessibility in Great Britain: An open dataset

Understanding how access to amenities by public transport varies across space is important in a wide variety of urban research, e.g., unemployment risks, property and land valuation, or gentrification issues.

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UBDC Employment Data User Group webinar: Adzuna Jobs Listings data

This event, led by Heather Sinclair (UBDC Information Services Officer), focussed on Adzuna job listings data and is relevant for current and prospective users of the Adzuna dataset.

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Triangulating Novel Mixed-Method Educational Data to Develop Effective, Evidence-Based Policy

UBDC has employed a spectrum of complementary quantitative and qualitative methods to address educational inequalities to inform the development of more effective policy solutions to the educational attainment gaps at all stages of life-long education.

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Practical approaches for web scraping for research

The web offers deep insights into people’s beliefs, opinions, transactions, movements and many other aspects of their lives. For social science academics and data scientists, the UK’s legal environment provides opportunities to capture these data at scale in service of research goals.

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