Meet the team
Diego Pajarito Grajales
Dr Pajarito Grajales is a research associate who investigates how technologies can foster equitable and just relationships with vulnerable communities to co-create data. His work merges automated data processing, geospatial analysis and community engagement. He is part of the IDEAMAPS Data Ecosystem and leads the expansion of the Waterproofing Data project across Latin America.
In 2023, He was invited to join the Innovation Friendly Regulations Advisory Group at the European Commission. He holds a PhD in Geoinformatics obtained as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow within a joint European program between the University of Münster (Germany), Universitat Jaume I (Spain) and Universidade Nova (Portugal).
Before joining UDBC, he worked as a research fellow at the University of Warwick, as a researcher and data scientist for the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, and at Universitat Jaume I. He has also supported the adoption of the Integrated Geospatial Framework (IGIF) as a consultant for the World Bank and the Government of Colombia as part of his consultant career.
Research interests
Big geodata Analysis
Citizen-generated design
Cloud and distributed computing
Location-based services
Serious games
Research Associate
Publication links
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