Research methods

UBDC is committed to openness and transparency in our work, sharing and explaining our methodologies. We are also helping to develop better methods for collecting and analysing smart data.


Urban sensing

Sensing technologies and advanced analytical methodologies enable us to collect and process higher quality smart datasets to better inform urban policies.

Sensing stories

Urban remote sensing

Remotely sensed images and the corresponding analytical techniques offer a comprehensive approach to observing and monitoring urban environments in real-time through high spatial-temporal-spectral-resolution data.

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Sensor-enhanced housing surveys

This project seeks to develop a framework for using and collecting data from a range of home-based sensors to understand human health and fuel poverty.

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New geographies of language in multilingual cities

The management of interethnic relations is a prominent issue faced by contemporary cities.

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Building housing energy efficiency models from local sensing

Decarbonising domestic heating is a central challenge for the sustainability agenda - requiring fundamental changes in home heating systems and major upgrades in the thermal performance of the existing building stock to reduce energy consumption.

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Participatory analytics

With our global partners - academics, local and national governments, disaster risk resilience organisations, and grassroot communities - we are committed to participatory approaches in our research to address social inequalities and deliver equitable and sustainable outcomes.

The Glasgow CCTV Object Detection project

The Glasgow CCTV Object Detection project

The Glasgow CCTV Object Detection platform aims to improve public understanding of mobility and traffic patterns across Glasgow.

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Is home where the heat is?

Is home where the heat is?

In this blog, the sensor-enhanced housing surveys project team explain how they developed a cost-effective methodology to examine air quality, energy consumption, energy performance and the impacts on fuel poverty and health.

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Introducing the Waterproofing Data dashboard v.0.0.1

Introducing the Waterproofing Data dashboard v.0.0.1

In this blog, Andy Clarke and Professor João Porto de Albuquerque introduce the latest instalment from the Waterproofing Data project - a public web platform presenting maps and charts visualising flood-related data in Brazil.

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