DataCivil’s lead discusses Disaster Risk Reduction

On 25 March 2024, DataCivil’s principal investigator, Philipp Ulbrich was invited to participate in a panel discussion for the launch of the Municipal Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state.

The event was hosted by Niterói's mayor and co-presented by Brazil’s National Secretary for the Peripheries, the municipal secretary for civil defence, and the Vice-Chancellor of the Universidade Federal Fluminense.

During his talk, Philipp emphasised the importance of creating multi-level synergies between the global 2030 Agenda, Brazil's government’s drive to enhance data on Favelas, and Niterói’s plan to create a participatory strategy for disaster risk reduction in the city.

Following the public event, the DataCivil team hosted a project inception workshop with community civil defence volunteers and city officials to co-identify data needs and outline a joint vision of a training module for risk data generation for future civil defence volunteers.

DataCivil inception workshop with volunteers, the civil defence secretary, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Latam and Caribbean Hub lead, and the Universidade de Fluminense colleagues preparing Niterói’s Participatory Disaster Risk Reduction Plan
Philipp’s opening speech with the National Secretary of the Peripheries, Niterói’s mayor, and the Municipal Civil Defence Secretary in attendance on the panel.


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