IDEAMAPS network launches new platform

The IDEAMAPS Network is excited to announce the public launch of the IDEAMAPS Data Ecosystem platform (beta version) - a new digital mapping tool aimed at using citizen science and participatory urban analytics to support improvements in deprived areas in Low- and Middle-Income countries.

With the mission to foster positive exchanges of data between urban scientists, communities and policy makers, helping to overcome barriers in city planning, neighbourhood improvement and "slum" upgrading, the IDEAMAPS Data Ecosystem platform – unveiled at the World Urban Forum in Cairo today (5 November 2024) - enables citizens to directly improve the mapping of their own communities.

A full report on the IDEAMAPS Network’s events at the WUF can be accessed here.

Participants in the IDEAMAPS platform pilot project in Nairobi, Kenya.

This project is a partnership between the University of Glasgow, University of Lagos, the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), University of Twente (ITC), University of York, and The George Washington University.

Project lead, Professor João Porto de Albuquerque, Chair in Urban Analytics at the University of Glasgow explains:  

“The IDEAMAPS Data Ecosystem project is building a participatory data ecosystem to produce deprived urban area maps routinely, accurately and at scale that can enable transformative change.  

“Grounded in methods of citizen science, our platform puts people at the centre of the digital technologies we develop. Whilst exploring the data we've generated, users can validate it by double clicking on grid cells. This means that they can change the data they see so that they more accurately reflect local realities.  

“We use the validation of users to generate new and improved versions of our urban analytics models and thus improve the evidence base for decision making. Co-designed with our stakeholders, our platform seeks user participation at each step in its development - aiming towards a definition of technologies that offers improved and appropriate information to support city planning and participatory "slum" upgrading.”

A new mapping tool for better city planning

Launched on 5 November 2024, the IDEAMAPS Data Ecosystem platform (beta version) is publicly available for people to explore and validate our datasets about urban deprivation and assets. The IDEAMAPS Network hopes the platform will engage policymakers and community representatives within each of our pilot cities – Lagos, Kano and Nairobi - and beyond, towards improved methods of mapping and improving urban deprived areas.

With people at the heart of the IDEAMAPS Network’s mission, it is hoped that the platform will enable:

  • Community Leaders, Mobilisers & Activists to gather better data that increases visibility about the challenges and opportunities within their neighbourhood.  
  • City Managers & Policymakers to better understand ways to meet the needs of communities in their cities.
  • Researchers in Urban Science and Planning to use our data to advance public knowledge about methods of upgrading urban communities in LMICs.

Leading on the engagements in Nigeria and Kenya are our local partners who are the face of IDEAMAPS in Lagos, Kano, and Nairobi:  

University of Lagos: Founded in 1962, the University of Lagos has, for over 5 decades, provided qualitative and research-oriented education to Nigerians and all those who have entered its domain in search of knowledge by advancing transdisciplinary research for knowledge co-production in urban data analytics, climate resilience, policy formulation, and sustainable development.  

Africa Centre of Excellence for Population Health and Policy (ACEPHAP): The African Centre of Excellence for Population Health and Policy (ACEPHAP) is one of the World Bank supported African Centre of Excellence which is aimed at strengthening interdisciplinary approaches to promote population health outcome through training and research for evidence-informed policy development in West and Central Africa.  

African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC): The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a premier research-to-policy institution, generating evidence, strengthening research and related capacity in the African research and development ecosystem, and engaging policy to inform action on health and development.


Launched in 2020 with funding from a UK Research and Innovation grant, the Network grew out of workshops hosted by the African Population and Health Research Center, Slum Dwellers International - Kenya, and UN-Habitat in Nairobi in 2019. Projects in the IDEAMAPS network engage and link stakeholders, develop datasets of urban deprivation and foster capacity among stakeholders to use data for decision making.

Further information:

Expanded press release
IDEAMAPS Data Ecosystem platform  
World Urban Forum 2024
Report on IDEAMAPS events at WUF


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