AI & Technology for Learning City Transformation & Inclusion


Friday 5 July 2024


08:30 - 09:30 BST


Online (Zoom)

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This online PASCAL panel discusses AI & Virtual Technology for Learning City Transformation and Inclusion.


Join us online for this hybrid panel discussion on Artificial Intelligence, it's potential and risks related to learning, security and peace.

Chair: Catherine Lido, Professor of Psychology & Adult Learning, University of Glasgow; Deputy Director Pascal-Europe


  • Stefan Popenici, Academic Lead - Quality Initiatives, Charles Darwin University, - Ethical and educational challenges of GenAI in education; risks of an irrational fad for higher education
  • Dr Sun Xuan, Nainkai University - Urban Computing in the Digital City: problems, methodologies, and trends
  • Dr Sarune Savickaite, School of Psychology, University of Glasgow - Advancing Inclusive Education through Immersive Technologies

This panel is being organised by the Urban Big Data Centre and Pascal (as contribution to the 17th Pascal Conference in Taiwan).


Ethical and educational challenges of GenAI in education; risks of an irrational fad for higher education

Stefan Popenici, Academic Lead - Quality Initiatives, Charles Darwin University

This presentation will address succinctly a set of key problems raised for education by the roots of AI, exploring some ethical and pedagogical challenges associated with the universal adoption of generative AI in education. It will briefly explore the influential intersection between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and two of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Goal 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and will also present some key implications for Goal 5, which focuses on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. The impact on the SDGs will be explored in relation to ethical aspects such as biased algorithms, academic integrity, AI myths and facts, safety concerns, and the possible long-term impact of GenAI on education, gender equality and civil society. It will aim to engage participants in a personal exercise of inquiry that is stirred by issues rarely explored regarding the deployment of AI systems. This analysis aims to contribute to the creation of important reference points for the evaluation of GenAI in teaching and learning, assessment and administration in education within the evolving landscape of generative AI while upholding educational aims and agency for open civil societies.

Urban Computing in the Digital City: problems, methodologies, and trends

Dr Sun Xuan, Nainkai University

As computer technology becomes fully integrated into social life, cities are filled with more data than ever before. Through data analysis and computation, we can accurately grasp the urban state in the digital world. Urban computing, as an emerging field that integrates computer science with urban planning, transportation, energy, environment, society, economy, and other disciplines, focuses on data as its core. It combines ubiquitous sensing technologies with efficient data analysis algorithms to solve a series of real-world problems faced by cities. Addressing different levels of functional requirements, its core lies in achieving perceptual computing, cognitive computing, and decision-making computing for urban big data. Currently, the forefront areas of urban computing mainly focus on multi-scale computing, parallel computing, and neuromorphic computing.

Advancing Inclusive Education through Immersive Technologies

Dr Sarune Savickaite, School of Psychology, University of Glasgow

Inclusion in education means that all learners have equal access to education and learning opportunities. Effective inclusive education considers the physical, cognitive, academic, social, and emotional diversity among learners. Prioritizing inclusivity in every immersive learning research agenda and practice is crucial, as emerging immersive technologies present both potential and challenges for inclusive education. XR technologies are uniquely positioned to reduce barriers and create opportunities for marginalized groups because they are highly adaptable and customizable to individual users and specific use cases. However, more research is needed to better understand these technologies and utilize their potential for inclusivity. I will review key accessibility considerations and recommendations in immersive education, as discussed in the recent report "XRed: Preparing for Immersive Education."


Training Resources

We archive useful and informative resources, such as slides, videos and other materials, from past events here for you to explore.

UBDC How to Guides - YOLOv4 Object Detection Model

In this guide, Data Analyst Maralbek Zeinullin shows you how to install and run customised YOLOv4 Object Detection Model using GPU.

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UBDC How to Guides - Multimodal Transport Routing for the UK with R

In this two-part guide, Rafael Verduzco from the Urban Big Data Centre shows you how to analyse transport routing in the UK using travel-time matrices.

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UBDC How to Guides - Building a Time Series Chart

In this step-by-step guide, Andy Clarke from the Urban Big Data Centre shows you how to build a time series chart using React, D3 and Material UI.

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Short Term Lets - Big Data and Policy

A new licensing scheme for short-term lets came into effect in Scotland on 1 October 2022. Through the scheme, the Scottish Government aims to 'ensure consistent safety standards while reinforcing the positive reputation of Scottish tourism and hospitality'.

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Public transport accessibility in Great Britain: An open dataset

Understanding how access to amenities by public transport varies across space is important in a wide variety of urban research, e.g., unemployment risks, property and land valuation, or gentrification issues.

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UBDC Employment Data User Group webinar: Adzuna Jobs Listings data

This event, led by Heather Sinclair (UBDC Information Services Officer), focussed on Adzuna job listings data and is relevant for current and prospective users of the Adzuna dataset.

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Triangulating Novel Mixed-Method Educational Data to Develop Effective, Evidence-Based Policy

UBDC has employed a spectrum of complementary quantitative and qualitative methods to address educational inequalities to inform the development of more effective policy solutions to the educational attainment gaps at all stages of life-long education.

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Practical approaches for web scraping for research

The web offers deep insights into people’s beliefs, opinions, transactions, movements and many other aspects of their lives. For social science academics and data scientists, the UK’s legal environment provides opportunities to capture these data at scale in service of research goals.

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