Data services

We provide open, safeguarded, and controlled data to researchers and training in how best to use it.

Stylised picture of banks of severs containing data collections

Data collections

Our open data is freely available for use by anyone.

Safeguarded data is also free to access but may have restrictions set by the data owners while our controlled data is limited to accredited users and only accessible in secure environments.

You can view available datasets in our extensive data catalogue or explore our data theme pages.

Data Catalogue

Unlock the potential of a wide range of key datasets to empower and inform your research with free access to our comprehensive data catalogue.

Browse Data Catalogue

Transport and mobility

Housing and property

Labour market

Woman accessing data on a laptop

Tools and methods

In our work with smart data, we have developed and adapted a wide range of methods. We make these methods and related code or tools available as part of our data service. Links can be found from the relevant data collections.

Share your data

Sharing data can provide valuable insights and intelligence for data owners as well as wider policymakers. UBDC helps organisations curate and analyse their data and offers a single point of access for data, unlocking its potential as a valuable public resource.

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